Dr. Umakant N. Rabb*
The enzymes and hormones plays an important role in the digestion and metabolism of food as well as drug and helps to maintain the health and subside diseases. When Agni(Enzymes and Hormones) is normal health is maintained, but when it is impaired diseases will manifest. This mechanism can be elaborated in terms of Pharmacokinetics. Most of the drugs are administered and some are through intravenous, subcutaneous and through anal route. When the drug undergone digestion through Pachaka Agni(Digestive enzymes) the Panchamahabhutas (Proto elements) composition of the drug is first broken down first. Then the transformation products are absorbed in the general circulation and systemic circulation. In this phase the Bhutagni act upon the products in the liver. After the action of bile juice in liver the product is transported to the Dhatus(Cells) or to the site of action where the Dhatwagni (Cellular enzymes) act upon the
product. When the drug is applied on the skin also subjected to metabolism by the cellular enzymes. Here the Bhrajaka Pitta has been said to metabolize the drug absorbed through the skin. In case of Samanapratyarabdha drugs, digestion changes complex substances into simple ones without much affecting the chemical structure of the drug, but in case of Vichitrapratyayarabdha drugs digestion also changes the chemical structure of the drug followed by alteration in the properties. Here an attempt is made to highlight the brief elaboration of the Vipaka(Post digestive effect) with classical texts.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Vipaka, Post digestive effect, Vipaka Vada, Dwi Vidha Vipaka, Drug metabolism.
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