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Dr. Santosh S. Kakde, Dr. Siddheshwar Balkrishna Vaidya, Dr. Khedkar Ankush Dattatraya*, Dr. Rajkumar V. Andhalkar Kakde and Dr. Nilam Siddheshwar Vaidya


Pratishyaya is the most important diseases in the Nasarogas, and if not treated in time or with proper medications it becomes the causative factor of all the other nasa rogas. Vatam prati abhimukham – It means the vitiated vata dosha moves in its opposite direction. Vata dosha is the dominant vitiated dosha in Pratishyaya and it vitiates the other doshas. The active types of vata doshas present in the nose are the prana and udana vayus. The direction of the prana vayu is from outside to inside. Hence when the vata dosha gets vitiated it moves in the opposite direction. Similarly, the direction of the udana vayu is from inside to outside, and vitiation of the udana vayu will also change its direction. This retrospectively means that when the vata is vitiated, it moves in the opposite direction. The secretions or the mucociliary action takes the opposite direction and leads to the pathological changes. ―Shyayo gamanam kaphadinam, tatra sa pratishyayah‖ – which means that the vitiated vata further vitiates the other doshas and takes them in the opposite direction. Hence there is an excessive secretion from the nose in Pratishyaya. ―Prati kshanam shyayate iti pratishyayah‖. Hence it can be concluded that Pratishyaya is- A condition where there is continuous discharge, A condition where the dominating vitiated dosha is Vata, A condition where there is accumulation of doshas which further get vitiated. The secretions which are supposed to be drained through the nasopharynx are thrown out through the opposite direction i.e., through the nose.

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