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Vishal and Dr. Prakruthi G.*


Background and Objectives: Ardhavabhedaka can be defined as ardha mastaka vedana, ardha means half and Avabhedana means penetrating or bursting pain. The penetrating or bursting type of pain in half of head is called Ardhavabhedaka. Ardhavabhedaka can be scientifically co- related to migraine headache in modern science. Migraine is described as a chronic, most probably genetically determined disease, in vast majority of patients it is characterized by occurrence of headache attacks. Our Acharya’s mentioned that Ardhavabhedaka is a condition caused due to imbalance in vata or vatakapha doshas. Ayurveda emphasizes various treatment modalities for Ardhavabhedaka which includes various panchakarma procedures and internal medicines which are said to be effective in the management of Ardhavabhedaka. In the present case, the patient was treated with Nasya karma, along with Marma Chikitsa and internal medicines. Objectives: To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of Nasya and Marma chikitsa in the management of Ardhavabhedaka w.r.t. Migraine. Method: A single case study was taken up to scientifically validate the effects of Nasya and Marma chikitsa. The treatment was given for 8 consecutive days. Case report: A male patient aged about 38 years approached SPSAMC, H & RC with the complaints of half sided headache (Severe – throbbing in nature) associated with nose block and difficulty in breathing for past 1 year.

Keywords: Ardhavabhedaka, Migraine, Headache, Nasya, Marma chikitsa.

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