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*Valluru Satya Sri Varalakshmi, B. Radha Madhavi, Manthena Mohan Varma, Nelapati Mary Kumari, Taraka Sunil kumar and Tavva Durga Satyavathi


The chronobiology of asthma, as well as the drugs used to treat it have a chronopharmacology and chronotherapy, began fifty years ago. Various asthma medications are "chronotherapies," which are meant to be used in conjunction as a result of the "morning drop" in lung function and the resulting deteriorating of side effects. Our understanding of how circadian rhythms are maintained has vastly improved in the last 10 years, and growing Asthma is an interesting condition to study because there is proof that the molecular clock plays an important part in the safe framework. Asthma is medical disease of the lower airways characterised by hypersensitivity to certain antigens, which results in increased local inflammation, bronchoconstriction, vasomotor changes. Asthma symptoms comprise chest wheezing, croupy cough, and trouble breathing during the start and worsening stages. Asthma is mostly a nighttime problem, and it is treated with a variety of medications, including theophylline and β2-agonists. The most recent trend in asthma once-daily dosage is to reduce the time between doses. As a result, knowing the molecular mechanisms that drive the recognised symptoms, such as diurnal increase of presentations, may provide a restorative approach in asthma. Additionally, scheduling drug distribution to coincide with route responsiveness may give the most effect. This page provides a thorough overview of the chronobiology of asthma, as well as the chronopharmacology and chronotherapy of the many medicines used to treat it.

Keywords: Asthma, circadian rhythm, sleep, chronotherapy, immune system, chronobiology, nocturnal asthma.

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