Dr. Kavita*, Dr. R.B. Shukla, Dr. Seema Joshi and Dr. Naresh Kumar
Ayurveda describes the anatomy and physiology of the human body clearly in terms of Tridosha, Dhatu, Malas and Srotas, etc. Human body is considered as a channel system constituted of innumerable channels designed for varied functions. The importance of Srotas has been described by Charaka Acharya in an entire chapter ‘Sroto Vimāna’. Manifestation of a disease in the body results from a defective srotas which favors the dosha-dushya sammurchhana. Medovaha srotas if vitiated causes medo dushti which may be expressed as Prameha poorva roopa lakshana. This necessitates a thorough knowledge of the basic concepts. Medodhara Kala
(Omentum or deep fascia), Parenephric tissue, Medoagni (Physilogy of thyroxin), Medodhatu utpatti (fundamental of adipose tissue), Vrika or Kati (fudamentals of Kidney and Pelvic region). The present study aims at an understanding of Medo Dhatu and Medovaha srotas, its moola sthana and their fundamental exploration. Acharya Charakaa has broadly described thirteen types of srotas, while Sushruta mentioned eleven pairs of srotas. Both Charakaa and Sushruta quoted medovaha srotas, which are self-explanatory to explicate the importance of medovaha srotas. Medo agni karm: Essentially all aspects of fat metabolism are also enhanced under the influence of thyroid hormone. This also increases the free fatty acid concentration in the plasma and greatly accelerate the oxidation of free fatty acid by the cells. Increased thyroid hormone decreases the concentration of cholesterol, phospholipids and triglycerides in the plasma. Decreased thyroid secretion greatly increases the plasma concentration of cholesterol, phospholipids and triglycerides and almost always causes excessive deposition of fat in the lever as well.[1]
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