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Dr. Ameeta Titoria*, Dr. Naresh Kumar, Dr. R.B. Shukla and Dr. Sanjay Singh


The life Science of Ayurveda has been teaching the art of healthy life (Physical, mental and spiritual from ages). Many siddhantas are explained in Ayurveda, srotas kalpana is one of them. Srotas are the channels of the body through which the materials needed for tissue building, nutrition and other nutrients flow from one corner of the body to the other, we can tell that the materials are transported through the channels from the place of production to the place of need.[1] Rasavaha srotas are considered as main srotas since they supply nutrients to all body parts. The word Srotamsi in the context of srotas indicates all level of exchanging and transportation of Posahya Rasa from Ahara Rasa at micro to macro level of cells and tissue. The sapta dhatu are the product of ahara rasa. The poshya Ras Dhatu is the first tissue. This comes in the heart and is circulated all over the body providing nourishment. If the heart is not developed or if there is abnormalities then the ahara Ras which is flowing will hamper the body, creating defect in it. This is not only for the organ but all the body organs must be healthy to secure a healthy and faithful life. The article is a try to opt on Rasavaha Srotas in detail view and resemblance with Atherosclerosis.

Keywords: Srotas, Rasavaha srotas, Ahara rasa, Atherosclerosis.

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