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*Dhaigude Riya, Khan Mohd. Faarooq, Jain Yogita and Malviya Sapna


The present study investigates the anti-inflammatory activity of acetonic extract of Vigna unguiculata using Formalin induced paw edema in wistar albino rats. The medicinal values of the Vigna unguiculata has been mentioned ancient literature as useful in the treatment of disorders of inflammation. Dried seeds of Vigna unguiculata were powdered and extracted with acetone. The anti-inflammatory activity was done by Formalin induced hind paw edema method using Vernier caliper. Indomethacin used as a standard drug. For this activity Control group receive only Formalin, Standard group receive indomethacin (40mg/kg), induced 0.1 ml Formalin, test group receive acetonic seed extract of Vigna unguiculata (500mg/kg). The result showed that acetonic extract of Vigna unguiculata seed exhibited statistically significant (p<0.05) inhibition of paw volume at a dose of 500 mg/kg. However, maximum inhibition of paw edema was found to be in Group II 91.70% and although the inhibition of paw edema with the extract was 72.73% which is less than standard group but higher than that of control group.

Keywords: Acetonic seed extract, Anti-inflammatory activity, edema, Vernier caliper.

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