Umakant N. Rabb*
The Varga refers to group of drugs. The Guduchyadi Varga drugs can be grouped under the headings of Vatahara Gana, Pittahara Gana, Kaphahara Gana, Sannipatahara Gana, Vamana Gana, Virechana Gana, Shirovirechana Gana, Asthapana Gana. The Vatahara group of drugs are used in the Vataja Jwara in the form of Kwatha. The Pittahara group of drugs are used in the Pittaja Jwara in the form of Kwatha. The Kaphahara group of drugs are used in Kaphaja Jwara in the form of Kwatha. The Sannipatahara Gana is used in all types of Jwara (Fever) in the form of Kwatha (Decoction). The Vatahara Gana is used in the treatment of Vatarakta. The Vamana group of drugs are used in the Kaphaja Vikara in the form of Snehana (Oleation), Swedana (Fomentation). The Virechana Gana group of drugs are used in the Pittaja diseases in the form of Kwatha (Decoction). The Virechana group of drugs are used in the treatment of Shiro Roga
(Diseases of head), Krimi Roga (Worms), and Peenasa Roga (Allergic rhinitis). The Asthapana group of drugs can be used in the form of Kalka (Paste), Kwatha (Decoction), Taila (Oil) for treatment of Arsha (Haemorrhoids), Jwara (Fever), Unmada (Euphoric conditions), Ardita (Facila palsy), Kati-Parshwa-Prishtha Shoola (Back ache), Shotha (Edema), Kampana (Tremors) diseases. The present work dealt systematically with the exact botanical source and the pharmacological actions of the drugs.
Keywords: Dhanwantari Nighantu, Guduchyadi Varga, Vatahara Gana, Pittahara Gana, Kaphahara Gana, Madhura Gana, Vamana Gana, Virechana Gana etc.
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