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S. Mohammed Saleem*, K. Vani, V. V. S. Pavan and G. Pramoda Joshna


Hydatid disease is a zoonotic disease caused by Echinococcus, species of Helminths. E. granulosus is the commonest cause of cystic Hydatidosis, a disease which continues to be a serious public problem causing morbidity and mortality. In patient, Abdominal pain was the initial symptom of Hydatid disease[3], symptoms typically include inflammation or from the rupture of the cyst into the bile duct, pleural space or peritoneal cavity. The clinical presentationranges from asymptomatic to jaundice, cholicystitis, cholangitis, liver abscess, pancreatitis and septicemia depending on the size of the biliary cyst. The main diagnosis is based on past history and radiographic examination. Treatment for this patient include surgery Laparoscopy and Anti-helminthic drugs along with symptomatic treatment.

Keywords: Liver hydatid cyst, Surgical treatment, Abdominal pain, Laparoscopy.

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