Manjunatha B. Sunagar*, Pratibha Kulkarni and Shantha Basavaraj Sunagar
Indralupta is a type of Kshudraroga characterized by loss of hair in patchy appearance. The hair on head keeps our head warm and provides little cushioning for the skull. It also adds beauty to the face. Indralupta can be correlated with Alopecia Areata. Alopecia Areata is a burning problem in all age groups. It is an autoimmune disorder. Indralupta is explained under Kapalgatarogas by Acharya Vagbhata. Whereas Madhavanidana, Yogaratnakara and Sushruta explained it under Kshudraroga. In Lomakupa Pitta and Vata gets localized and it causes hairfall. Then vitiated Kapha along with Rakta causes obstruction of hair follicle which prevents further growth of hair follicles. The main treatment for Alopecia Areata in modern medical science is steroid, which may be harmful if we use it for long time. In Ayurveda plenty of treatments are explained for Indralupta like
Shodana, Shamana, Nidanaparivarjana etc. Pracchanna is an important method used to treat Indralupta. Here a female patient suffering from Indralupta since1 year was successfully treated with Ayurvedic medicines.
Keywords: Alopecia Areata, Indralupta, Pracchanna.
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