Dr. Abhijeet Sawant* and Dr. Praveen Kumar
In today's modern era, due to lack of knowledge about correct food combination, we blindly follow the wrong dietary habits and suffer from various disorders. Ayurveda have its own concepts and sidhantas. The present article is intended to explore the concept of Koshtha Viruddha Ahara (incompatible food) described in Ayurveda classics mainly Charaka Samhita. Koshtha concepts help to understand dosage of Ahara & drugs are depend upon type of Koshtha. koshtha is the basic and important concept in Ayurveda. Koshtha plays an important role in digestion as well as maintainance of proper healthy life because Agni Bala (digestive power) of any indivudal depends upon his koshtha. When person eat kostha viruddha Ahara, there is improper digestion, results in formation of 'Aam.'. Aam develops from the
undigested or partialy digested materials vitiates the other doshas and obstruct the Srotas (channels) in the body. In Srotas this Aam dosha reacts with tissue level Dhatus and produce Vishakt (poisonous) substance i.e. “AAMVISHA”. These channels include intestines, gastro intestinal tract, genito-urinary tract, blood vessels, lymphatic system, and many others. The toxic Aamvisha accumulates in the body in these channels and whenever the body faces certain weakness, give rise to severe diseases. This review article highlights the concept of koshtha and its importance in proprer understanding of the relation of koshtha Prkruti-Agni- Aamvisha.
Keywords: Koshtha, Viruddha Ahara, Agani, Aamvisha, Dhatu, Dosha.
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