*Umesh K. Agawane and Shital Laxman Surjuse
In world India stands for 2nd most populous country. Due to this, there are many problems which our country facing today. So there is need to control this population. To control this population human fertility control is very effective. This is possible only with the help of contraception. In modern medicine there are various methods of contraception like hormonal contraceptives, barrier method, surgical method etc. but they have multiple side effect. So we need the safe, effective and easily available drug which can be used as contraceptives which are already mentioned in our samhitas like Bhavprakash, Yogratnakara, Bhaishajya Ratnavali etc. Hence in this article an attempt has been made to review garbhanirodhaka dryavyas
mentioned in our ayurvedic classic which are safe and having lesser side effects.
Keywords: Contraception, Ayurveda, Garbhanirodhaka dravyas.
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