Dr. Pooja Meena*, Dr. Vandna Gupta, Dr. Itishree Bandana Rath, Prof. Sriram Chandra Mishra, Dr. Shubham Gaurav
In today era, everyone wants good look as well as wellness of body and mind. Hence in finding these aspects, if any dilemma in face occurs which cause cosmetic disfigurements put a negative impact on the psychological status of the person along with he or she feels themselves socially inept. Such a common example of facial dilemma is Tarunyapidika, which is widely spread in the society and common among youth. Tarunyapidika is one of such disease described in ayurveda. Aacharya sushruta has described this disease as eruption like shalmali thorn on the face of young men or women is called yuva and pidika is yuvanpidika. This disease has described has under
kshudraroga chapter by many classical texts. Vitiation of kapha, vata and rakta doshas which give rise to symptoms like swelling, pain, redness, itching in Tarunyapidika. As per modern medical science the symptom of Tarunyapidika resembles Acne vulgaris. Acne is chronic inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous unit. Generally acne lesion appear at the place where sebaceous gland are naturally large and numerous as on face, cheek, neck, back, chest. Both modern and ayurvedic sciences have considered the use of topical as well as oral medication and their combination for the treatment of acne. Modern medications provide relief from acne vulgaris but cause noticeable side effects. In text of Ayurveda, there are a number of mukhlepa, medicinal preparations, Pathya Apathya, Dinachrya procedures which have wonderful preventive and curative effect on Tarunyapidika disease. This article explains how Ayurveda help us in the prevention and management of Tarunyapidika.
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