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Madhuri S. Nandgave*, Shalini R. Patle, Sagrika G. Kukade, Nateshwar B. Bisen, Prem D. Agrawal, Narendra M. Chauhan and Gourav R. Bohre


Eulophia nuda lind. (Orchidaceae) is a small perennial terrestrial herb found in central and Southeast Asian regions usually known for its ethnomedicinal uses by folklore and local healers in India and different regions of the world. Eulophia nuda tubers have been used for the treatment of tumors, scrofulous glands of neck, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchitis, blood diseases, vermifuge, etc. Phytochemical properties of this plant are not much explored. Very few compounds such as phenanthrene derivatives and benzylated, phenanthrene derivatives have been isolated from this plant. Pharmacologically, this plant is active in respect of cytotoxic, antioxidant, antiglycation and DNA protection properties. The traditional knowledge and various phytochemical and pharmacological activities of this plant have been at the focus of research.[1]

Keywords: Eulophia nuda lind., Ethnomedicinal, Antioxidant, Cytotoxic, Antiglycation, DNA protection, Fenton’s reagent, Lipid-peroxidation, Reactive oxygen species.

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