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Dr. Aabha Pandey*, Dr. M. Gopi Krishna, Dr. Shahsidhar Jeeru


Arsenical compounds have a long history of pharmacological utilities in traditional practices. Manahshila is among the three arsenical used in Ayurveda since centuries ago by our ancient sages. It is indicated in various disorders like Kasa, Hikka, Swasa, Chhardi, Visha and Pinasa. It is mentioned as best among the rejuvenating substances and good aphrodisiac. Ardraka which is used here for Shodhana reported to possess sedative potential in experimental models. Shodhana is a vital process especially for the toxic substances of Rasavargiya Dravya before there used in therapeutics Realgar is a soft, sectile mineral occurring in monoclinic crystals, or in granular, compact, or powdery form, often in association with the related mineral, orpiment (As2S3). It is orange-red in colour, melts at 320 °C, and burns with a bluish flame releasing fumes of arsenic and Sulphur. Typically it is a minor constituent of ore veins in association with orpiment (into which it disintegrates on long exposure to light). Realgar has been used by the Chinese for carvings, but these also deteriorate under light.

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