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Krishnananda Kamath K.*, Punya Prakash, Sandeep Kumar A. and A. R. Shabaraya


Nanotechnology is used for the manipulation of matter at a tiny scale. At this size, atoms and molecules work differently, and provide a variety of surprising and interesting uses.[1] Dendrimers are an interesting class of synthetic macromolecules having highly branched, three dimensional, nano-scale architecture with very low poly-dispersity and high functionality. These features have made their application in nanotechnology, pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry particularly attractive.[2] Dendrimers components, namely (1) an initiator core (2) Interior layers (generations) composed of repeating units, radically attached to the interior core. (3) Exterior (Terminal functionality) Attached to the outermost interior generations Examples: Poly (amidoamine) dendrimer (PAMAM), Radially layered poly (amidoamine-organosilicon) dendrimers (PAMAMOS), Propylene Imine dendrimers (PPI) etc. The properties of dendrimers are dominated by the functional groups on the molecular surface for example; a dendrimer can be water soluble when its end group likes a carboxyl group.[3] This review briefly focuses on the various aspect of dendrimer including properties, preparation of dendrimers types, characterization, dendrimer based products and their use as pharmaceutical, therapeutic, diagnostic agent and their potential for applications in drug delivery. This review clearly demonstrates the various application of dendrimer and indeed substantiates the high hopes for future.

Keywords: Dendrimers, properties, applications, Astromol or poly (propylene-imine) dendrimers.

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