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  • SEPTEMBER 2024 Issue has been successfully launched on 1 SEPTEMBER 2024.

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  • WJPPS Rank with Index Copernicus Value 84.65 due to high reputation at International Level

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  • WJPPS is indexed in Scope Database based on the recommendation of the Content Selection Committee (CSC).



Puneet Sudan*, Jamil Ansari, Rohit Kumar and Ravinder Singh Jangu


Wounds are unavoidable events that occur in our life. Various physical, chemical and microbial agents are the main reasons behind occurrence of wounds. Healing can be considered as continued existence system and basically depicts an effort to retain regular anatomical organization and function. In other words, tissue regeneration only occurs with the progressive and continuous process of wound healing. Process of wound healing, either it is accidental or any type of surgical procedure, involves various multifarious actions of blood cells, tissues, soluble mediators, cytokines, many other development factors. The chief intention of wound treatment is to either cut down the time required for healing process or to diminish the unnecessary possessions. Medicinal plants are considered to have huge prospective for the prophylaxis of wounds from ancient times because of presence of many beneficial active phytoconstituents. Healing and restoration of lost tissue can be achieved by variety of medicinal plants with different proved mechanisms in previous research. Because of traditional applications of plants, ease to procure and lesser side effects, phytoconstituents extracted from them have achieved a reputed position in wound management and repair but still scientific confirmation for their wound healing potentials are very few. Main reason behind writing this review article is to make an effort to summarize a data about various medicinal plants and their phytoconstituents having possible wound healing properties which could be advantageous in curing wounds.

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