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*Lavande J P1, Ade R N2, Agnihotri A. A2, Itekar P B2, Jaiswal S B3, Chandewar A V2

1Prist University, Vallam, Thanjavur-613403 (T.N.)
2Pataldhamal Wadhwani college of pharmacy,Yavatmal-445001 (M. S.)
3Sun Pharma Limited, Baroda-390020 (Guj).


Recently fast dissolving drug delivery system gaining popularity and acceptance in novel drug delivery system. It has shown more patient compliance because of easy administration, easy to swallow, economical and palatable taste. Pediatrics, geriatrics, motion sickness, mentally disable and bedridden patients are more benefited by such kind of delivery system it also enhances the bioavailability of drug. The aim of this article is to review the progress in methods of manufacturing, evaluation and various latest technologies involved in the development of Fast dissolving tablets which will be helpful to young researchers. Fast dissolving tablets are prepared by the addition of various super disintegrates with drug and various additives. As the conventional tablet needed water for swallowing but Fast dissolving tablets are immediately dissolves in mouth with help of saliva within few seconds without need of water, so patient can take anywhere at any time this is one of the best advantage of this type of delivery system. Rather than this that kind of tablets are easy to manufacture and evaluate with offering uniform dosing.

Keywords: Fast Dissolving Tablet, Mouth Dissolving Tablet, ODT Technology.

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