Amol A. Havale, Priyanka M. Wankhede* and Jayashri S. Deshmukh
Kashtartava is the condition where the artava discharge with great difficulty & pain. Dysmenorrhoea is the most commen gynaecological problem faced by women during their adolescence which causes significant discomfort and anxiety for the women. It may create the emotional distress brought on by the pain and may result in missing work or school, inability to participate in sports and other activities. Kashtartava is a Vata dominant Tridoshaja Vyadhi and Dashmoola Taila also Tridoshaghna and considered as best Vatahara. So, it cures the disease by samprapty vighatana as vitiation of Vata dosha is responsible for this disease. So, that the treatment Dashmoola Taila Matrabasti is selected for the present study. A 23 year old female patient complaints of pain during menstruation associated with
nausea, constipation suffering from primary dysmenorrhoea since 4 cycles without the involvement of any secondary disease. 60 ml Dashmoola Taila Matrabasti for 7 days in midcycle given to the patient for 3 cycles. There was substantial relief of symptoms. So. Dashmula tail Matrabasti is safe & effective in the management of Kashtartava.
Keywords: Kashtartava, Primary Dysmenorrhoea, Vata dosha, Dashmoola Taila, Matrabasti.
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