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Jeraf Narjisse*, Ouzaa Aziza, Kabba Zineb, Erhaymini Khalil, Driouech Aicha, Mohammed Hassan Alami, Zakia Tazi, Filali Adib and Rachid Bezad


For many years, gestational diabetes has been defined by the ADA (American Diabetes Association) and by the WHO (World Health Organization) as any degree of carbohydrate intolerance that started or was first identified during pregnancy, regardless of treatment required or postpartum course. Over the last three years (from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019) we have seen 853 new cases of diabetes, i.e. 20% of consultations for high-risk pregnancies. 24% of patients required hospitalization to balance the diabetes (n = 210), glycemic control is achieved in 84% of cases by diet alone (n = 720). In 15% of cases insulin therapy was necessary (n = 129). The means of monitoring gestational diabetes is glycemic self-monitoring with the goal of Gaj <0.92 g / l and Gpp <1.26g / l. Specific management of gestational diabetes (diet, self-monitoring of blood sugar, insulin therapy if necessary) reduces severe perinatal complications, fetal macrosomia and preeclampsia, compared to abstaining from therapy, without increasing the risk of cesarean section.

Keywords: Gestational diabetes, Care ans support, Risks.

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