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Deepak Pokharkar*, Amruta Kulkarni, Lawanya Lata Pandey and Rupesh Pingale


A stem cell has a unique ability to develop into a specialized cell in the body. Two major classes of stem cells are- Pluripotent stem cells and Multipotentstem cells, formal one can differentiate into any cell type while, later differentiates into specialized cells. Pluripotent cells are embryonic stem cells found only in the embryonic stage which leads to development of induced Pluripotent stem cells (IPSC) by the means of reprogramming factor: inducing Pluripotent characters into somatic cells. Stem cells which are found in abundance in the umbilical cord during the delivery are stored in „Stem cell bank‟. Stem cells are also used as off-the-shelf products, where pharmaceutical researches play a major role in the safety and stability of drugs. Various pharmaceutical drugs are approved by drug administrative departments for its use in therapies. Stem cells are “biological solutions to biological problems”. Quality control and teratoma assay to test ability of cells are important methods for assessing the properties of stem cell drug/therapy. They are also used as a model for screening, research and development of drugs. Stem cells can be great regenerative medicines, with further development and research will be considered as boon tomankind.

Keywords: Stem cell pharmaceutical drug, Cord blood, Pluripotentstem cells, Oligopotent stem cells.

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