Anjali Sanjeev* and Gopikrishna S.
Dadhi is a transformed form of milk, considered as „Mangalya’ and thick in consistency in comparison to Ksheera. The milk of a fattened cow or buffalo is boiled, cooled and placed in a new vessel containing butter milk. Curd that is formed as a result is as white as a conch and along with cream on its top resembles the moon. Dadhi has become a habitual diet now days. Curd by its nature has; Madhuraamlarasa (sweetish sour taste), Amlavipaka (sour post digestion taste), Guru guna (heavy to digest), Ushnavirya (hot in potency) and is Abhishyandi (coats over the channels carrying Dosha, Dhatu and Mala). Predominant taste of Dadhi is Amla and it possess Grahi and increases Agni and produces Shopha according to Acarya Harita. The attributes of Dadhi varies according to inoculation time for fermentation, type and nature of milk used. There are certain rules for intake of Dadhi. i.e Dadhi Sevana Niyamas. They include Na Naktam, Naivoshna, Na Nitya, Na Sharad Vasanta Greeshmayo, Bhunjeeta Ghrita, Sharkaradibi Saha.
Keywords: Dadhi, Niyama, Curd.
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