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Mantasha Sultan, Divya Kukreja, Aditi Vyas, Shweta Thakur, Pooja Singh and Dr. Masheer A. Khan*


The aim of our project is to Study awareness about Adverse Drug reaction reporting and Pharmacovigilance practices among Undergraduate interns and postgraduate medical students. The purpose of surveying among the UG and PG students is to check the practices regarding reporting of ADRs in the hospital and their knowledge about the field of pharmacovigilance. To check the points for the analysis we made a questionnaire consisting of general questions regarding the same which includes, the basic knowledge about pharmacovigilance, the ADR reporting system in India, whether they dealt with an ADR case ever, have they ever gone through the types of ADR reporting forms available for Doctors, patients, consumers etc., to know about the condition of ADR reporting in the hospitals. We have tried to get the knowledge about the conveniences they have and they need in reporting an Adverse Drug Reaction as there is low ADR reporting in India. We tried to know in which fields of Pharamacovigilance more attention should be given. Awareness about WHO's online database "Vigibase" has been checked. According to the survey's results we have elaborated and organized our project by underlying the methods of Pharamacovigilance, mandatory points of the field and measures which can increment the awareness of ADR and Pharamacovigilance.

Keywords: Pharmacovigilance, Adverse Drug reaction, ADR reporting.

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