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Rajeshvara Rao E.* and Jagadeesh G. Mitti


In Ayurvedic classics Sneha kalpana has gained its own importance. Sneha kalpana has been introduced as a Pharmaceutical preparation only in the Samhita period. It consists of Samskara anuvarthitwa guna that is sneha can enhance the therapeutic properties of the drugs which are used in the preparation which makes the Ghrita kalpana superior in the context of Sneha Kalpana. Pippalayadi Ghrita (PG) is such a preparation which is mainly indicated in Jwara. Aim: Preparation and Physcico-chemical evaluation of Pippalayadi Ghrita. Materials and Methods: Pippalayadi Ghrita is prepared by using general method of preparation of Sneha kalpana as per reference. It is indicated in Jwara, ksyaya, hikka, etc. Results: Three samples of Pippalyadi Ghrita have been prepared. Different quantities of final products were obtained. Refractive Index 1.4513, Saponification Value 223.01, Total Fatty Matter 87.60, Acid Value 1.56, Iodine Value 21.05, Viscosity 4.64, No Microbial contamination including Escherichia coli/10gms and No heavy metals observed in SEM-EDAX. Discussion: Pharmaceutical and Analytical study of Pipalyadi Ghrita is discussed regarding it’s safety. Conclusion: The Physico-chemical analytical parameters, microbial contamination and test for heavy metals of the processed Ghrita follow the standard values within normal limits.

Keywords: Sneha Kalpana, Pippalyadi Ghrita, Standardization, Pharmaceutical and Analytical.

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