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Sheetal Dabi, Brijesh K Arjariya, R. S. Ghosh and Ravi Prakash Yadav*


The goal of any drug delivery system is to provide a therapeutic amount of drug to the proper site in the body and also to achieve and maintain the desired drug concentration. In this work an attempt was made to compare quality of different brands of Famotidine tablets. The study has attempted to make a comparative assessment of the quality in terms of identification, physical properties and in-vitro bioequivalence of Famotidine tablets, available in drug retail. All the tablets met the quality specification with respect to identification, hardness and friability, disintegration, and dosage form uniformity (weight variation and/or content uniformity). Results showed that the high hardness of tablets has no influence on the disintegration and the dissolution properties. In spite of presence some differences in the dissolution profile especially in first time of the dissolution, it seems that all brands have good dissolution character which predicts good bioavailability. Thus, no band among selected brand was found to be substandard. The brand was also found to be within the tolerance limits of dissolution test requirement since they release the specified contents within the specified time. Thus, the different brands of Famotidine tablets analyzed were found to be bioequivalent with respect to the in-vitro dissolution test.

Keywords: Famotidine; Dissolution; Drug release; Tablet; Bioavailability.

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