Kavita Shailesh Deshmukh*
Gomutra is used in Ayurveda for various purposes. Our tradition our hindu culture also gives importance to Cow. Cow is worshiped as a God. Cow milk, cow urine, Cow dung, curd of cow milk and Ghrita of cow milk all these dravyas are known as Panchagavya. Panchagavya is used in ayurvedic treatment and also for shodhan process of Visha dravya in Rasashastra. Gomutra is the main anti toxic ingredient of Panchagavya. It is used for Shodhan of many metals and minerals and also Visha dravyas. Now a day various viral diseases are observed and diseases like cancer are also increasing. Gomutra is Krumighna i.e.having properties like anti bacterial, antiseptic, antipyretic etc. Gomutra is used for purification of atmosphere. It can be used to
overcome these diseases. Gomutra is used in various diseases like Shoth, Kushtha, Vatvyadhi, Mutrakruchchra etc. Also it is Rasayana. Researches have been done on Gomutra and its medicinal properties. Review of all these properties of Gomutra is taken in this article.
Keywords: Gomutra, Shodhan, Antitoxic, Panchagavya.
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