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Dr. Harikrishnan N. Menon* and Dr. S. M. Pasha


Introduction: Diabetic macular edema is one of the main causes of visual acuity loss for person’s associated with diabetes. It causes blurriness of vision especially in the centre of vision field, floaters and occasional headache. Increased blood sugar level is the main reason leading to macular edema, the main aim of the treatment should be controlling the underlying cause that is diabetes. The treatment advised in modern science is laser photocoagulation and Anti-VEGF injection which is costly as well as doesn’t guarantee reversal of vision in patient. Thus in Ayurveda we can consider it as Timira darshana due to Madhumeha upadrava and treat according to it. Methods: In the present study, a 64 year old male patient who reported to Shalakya OPD of SJIIM hospital Bengaluru with complains of blurriness of vision and uncontrolled blood sugar levels was taken in for treatment after assessment. Result: Blood sugar level was controlled and saw reduction in subjective symptoms. Discussion: Following Ayurvedic protocol will help in halt the progression of the disease as well as preventing further diabetic complications without any side effects and improving quality of life.

Keywords: Diabetic macular edema, Madhumeha upadrava, Ayurvedic protocol.

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