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*Shahina K. A., Dr. T. K. Ajith Babu, Champa Kumari and Aishwarya Pillai


Scleropyrum pentandrum[Dennst] Mabb. belongs to the family Santalaceae is a small tree that is mainly found in the Western Ghats of india, central Sahya hills and evergreen sacred grooves of Northern Kerala. It is commonly known as hard pear, grows about to a maximum of 7 meters in the sandy soil, semi and dry evergreen forest of coastal Kerala, South and Central Sahyadris and Western Ghats of India. Scleropyrum pentandrum is used in many ways because of its biological activities by the tribal community across the world. This study explains the anti bacterial activity of stem of Scleropyrum pentandrum. The methanolic extract of stem was tested for the anti bacterial activity. By checking the literature review of this plant, it is
proved that, a very few work has been done with Scleropyrum pentandrum plant. Furthermore study is required to isolate and elucidate its medicinally active components. Also somemandatory studies are required to evaluate each compound for its pharmacological actions.

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