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E. Sankari*, K. Dhunmati and Remya. R. S.


This review focused on the use of nutrition to improve the immunity of all aged groups against COVID-19. In humans, corona viruses are included in the spectrum of viruses that cause the common cold and, recently, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Emerging infectious diseases, such as SARS present a major threat to public health. The novel corona virus has spread rapidly to multiple countries and has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is usually caused by the virus to which most probably the people with low immunity response are being affected. Vitamin supplements are believed to boost immunity. By the use of plenty of water, minerals like magnesium and Zinc, micronutrients, herbs, food rich in vitamins C, D and E, and better life style one can improve the health and can overcome this infection. Various studies investigated that a powerful antioxidant glutathione and a bioflavonoid quercetin may prevent various infections including COVID-19. In conclusion, the nutrition plays a major role to enhance the immunity of people to control of COVID-19.

Keywords: Nutrition, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Corona virus, Pandemic.

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