Dr. Priyanka Hajare* and Dr. Ravindra Bhati
Ayurveda, an ancient holistic science of healing, offers a logical approach for determining correct diet based upon the elements comprising an individual’s constitution: vata, pitta and kapha. In Ayurveda, hitabhuk, mitabhuk, kshutabhuk, rhutubhuk are mentioned for maintaining the health. Due to fast paced life, there has been a major shift in diet pattern. Intake of Viruddha aahara can lead to pathology at a molecular level of body. Certain food combinations are capable of switching on or off little epigenetic tags on genes that tell other genes what to do to be healthy, repair, reproduce, and fix anything that goes wrong with the gene's ability to do the healthy thing
to make sure the person is healthy, doesn't age too rapidly, and stays energetic. Errors in gene expression have the potential to lead to illness. It imparts untoward effects on immune system, cellular metabolism, growth hormone, and Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS). In order to avoid these complications first of all Nidana parivarjana, avoiding consumption of Viruddha aahara one can prevent himself from all the hazardous effects. After that panchakarma, complete detoxifying and rejuvenating procedures vamana-emesis, virechana-purgation should be followed. Accustomed incompatible food substance should be discarded gradually in padanshika karma.
Keywords: Shroto-awarodhak, Intestinal toxemia, Abhishyandi, Putrefaction.
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