Hussain Al-Wandaw*, Ali Jamal Kareem, Abdullah Mehdi Kaitan and Manar Muaid Abdul –Wahid
Highlights: Cigaratte smoking of any amount is a potential independent risk factor of cardiovascular disease (CVD), and to other smokig – related diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer and many more .Cigarette smoking acts synergistically with hypertension and hyperlipidemia to increase the risks of acute myocardial infarction and sudden death. Most young people who smoke regularly continue to smoke throughout adulthood and elderly. Background: High blood preessure"silent killer" could be quietly causing damage that can threatin health. Regarding its role as a potent risk factor of cardiovascular diseases, and the risk is much higher when coexist with smoking. However, the link between high blood pressure (Hypertention) is currently uncertain. In both smokers and nonsmokers, regular measuremenis, and making changes that matter are a coner stone to prevent and manage high blood ressure. Objective: Although hypertension is well identified as one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and acts synergistically when coexists with smoking, nontheless the association between smoking and hypertension remains unclear. This study examined group the association between the number of cigarette smoked per day and the duration of smoking (one to 6 years) in young, healthy, male college students. Methods: Total of 100 healthy, regular segarette smoking college students aged 18 – 25 years was included in this study. The blood pressure of regular smokers (58) smokers, average age, 22.38, was compared to (42) nonsmokers) rge age, 21.69. Personal data included, duration of smoking was in the range of (1 to 5 years). The participant smokers were asked to cease smoking 60 minutes before blood pressure measurement. Measurement was carried out with the person in the seated position, back and arm supported after 5 miutes of rest at this position. Three measurements per occasion taken 1 – 2 minutes apart. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were examined using Omron platinum wireless upper arm blood pressure monitoring.
Keywords: Tobaco cigararette smoking, effect on, Blood pressure.
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