Vd. Anushri Shriram Deshmukh* and Dr. Minakshi A. Randive
Ayurveda is a science which is purely based on the fact "स्वस्थस्म स्वास््मयऺणं आतुयस्म ववकायऩरयभोऺनं च|" (च.सू.३०/२६)[1], where to maintain the health is the main aim of the life. To maintain this life in healthy state, ayurveda states three major factors known as 'trayopastambha' (three pillars of life) which are ahara (food), nidra (sleep) & brahmacharya (abstinence).[2] Inappropriate habitat of any one of them give rise to the lifestyle disorders. As sleep is one of the important factor responsible to maintain life, any disturbance to it causes many problems both physically and psychologically. Hence, to live normal healthy life it is necessary to get sleep in appropriate
manner including sleeping duration and timing. Ayurveda gives the brief information about nidra including its effectiveness and related problems, which occur due to its Ayoga, Atiyoga and Mithyayoga of nidra along with its management. Akal nidra (Inappropriate sleeping schedule) is one of the cause of various problems related to our lifestyle. In this review article attempt is made to explain various problems, which occur due to akal nidra mentioned in ayurvedic texts along with its management.
Keywords: Nidra, Akal Nidra, Trayopstambha, Divaswap, Ratraujagarana.
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