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Priyanka S.*, Sara Yeldhos, Sanoop J. and Shindya B.



Background: Cephalosporins are antibiotics used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections, such as respiratory tract infections, skin infections and urinary tract infections. Different brands of the same medications are available in market leading to immense cost variation. This can affect medication compliance by the patient. Pharmacoeconomics research can take us toward the final aim of making drugs affordable to all. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the variation and minimization in costs of Cephalosporins available in India. Materials and methods: The cost of the drugs were obtained from CIMS, July to Oct, 2019, and cost range, mean cost, cost ratio and percentage cost variation for individual drug brands was calculated. The cost of 10 tablets or capsules and 1 vial/ampoule was taken in case of oral and parenteral preparations respectively. Results: There is a gross variation in the prices of branded drugs of Cephalosporins in India. The highest cost range is for IV Cefuroxime 750mg (1,695) and mean cost is for oral Cefaclor 750mg (772.34). The highest cost ratio and percentage price variation is for oral Cefuroxime 500mg (19.29, 1829.825). Conclusions: Higher medication costs are often being considered as an important factor for medication non-adherence, dropouts/lost follow-ups and drug resistance. Hence, the practitioner must be sensitized about the cost of therapy to make sure adequate patient compliance.

Keywords: Cephalosporins, Cost range, Mean cost, Cost ratio, Percentage cost variation, Compliance.

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