Dr. Deepika Yadav*
One of the very common diseases caused by unhealthy food habits and lifestyle activities is Amlapitta. In present era due to the rush in daily activities like managing home as well as work, food habits have changed drastically, mental stress has increased a lot. These Nidana lead to Amlapitta which is a pitta predominant disease of the Annavaha Srotas which also affects the Purishvaha Srotas. Mandagni and Ama lead to improper digestion which increases Amla and Drava guna of Pitta which leads to Amlapitta. Acharya Kashayp was the first person to mention Amlapitta as a separate disease. Acharya Charaka has not described Amlapitta separately but in Grahani Chikitsadhyaya,
Samprapti of Amlapitta has been mentioned along with the samprapti of Grahani Dosha. The basic principle of treatment are Nidana Parivarjana, Shodhana and Shamana Chikitsa. For Urdhva and Adho gati of Doshas, Vamana and Virechana are mentioned. In Modern Science Amlapitta can be clinically correlated with Gastritis due to the similarity in symptoms.
Keywords: Amlapitta, Nidana Parivarjan, Shodhana, Shamana, Gastritis.
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