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Ms. Ritika Kushwah* and Dr. M. K. Gupta


The Maine objective of this study to Prepare essential oil that show anti-inflammatory response. This preparation is made up of eight different ingredients having different properties. The lotion formulations were developed by using the consideration that in the cream formulations, there is not contact directly the drug with stomach wall. This will remove the chances of gastric mucosal damage in the sensible level that is produced beneficial by the use of solid dosage forms of NSAIDs. There are five products are formed that is F-1, F-2, F-3, F-4, F-5. All these five preparation we observed the most effective and acceptable preparation is F-4 and F-5. The formulation of lotion also contains Eucalyptus oil, clove oil, camphor as well as turpentine oils they may help to prevent several types of inflammation. The Eucalyptus oil and clove oil is a potent anti-inflammatory oils and these are used in the combination for the curing of topical inflammation. No skin irritation and no skin sensitization were observed after volunteers applied to developed massage oil on the inner forearm for two weeks. Therefore, it could be suggested that developed massage oil was safety.

Keywords: Inflammation, Skin-irritation, Sensitization.

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