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Dr. Veena Ajay Patil*, Dr. Shrikant Atmaram Dighe, Priyanka Sujeet Madane, Dr. Komal Balwant Kothawale, Dr. Vaishali Tamkhane and Dr. Gani Shaikh


Pregnancy is a very crucial and sensitive period in life of a women. In these nine months of time duration, if proper care is taken, then only delivery will occur normally. But now a days due to stressful life and inappropriate life style habits of pregnant women, there is direct adverse effects seen on baby and delivery becomes difficult to occur normally. In ancient Ayurveda Acharya Charaka, Sushruta and other acharyas describe a proper Garbhini Paricharya, which helps to bring a Sukhaprasava (Normal delivery) and reduces postpartum complications. In this paricharya one of important karma among panchakarmas that is Basti mentioned by acharyas. Even though Panchakarmas are contraindicated in pregnancy; few basti can be given during pregnancy. In this paper we are going to study, types and efficacy of basti that are useful in pregnancy.

Keywords: Pregnancy, Garbhini Paricharya, Basti, Sukhaprsava.

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