*Dr. Ruwan Priyantha Liyanage, Dr. Saman Susantha Hettige and Dr. R. H. S. Ranasinghe
Othello syndrome is characterized with fears of infidelity and the potential of violence towards spouse or sexual partner. Patients with Othello syndrome have tendencies for spousal homicidal thoughts or attempts. The article focuses on a 44 years old divorced female case having Othello syndrome with fears of infidelity towards her sexual partner who got prognosis after having Neelammahara indigenous psychiatry treatments. Efficacy of Neelammahara psychiatry treatment protocols on Othello syndrome case was thoroughly observed. The results obtained before and after the treatment was compared with special reference to traditional mental status examination. As subjective parameters, Shila, Achara, Buddhi, Manas, Cheshta, Smruti and Sajnajnana were observed. In objective parameters, Full Blood
Count, Thyroid Profile, Lipid Profile, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate and Blood Pressure were observed. Additionally, Multidimensional Jealousy Scale was administered to score pathological jealousy condition, as well as Hamilton Depression Rating Scale was used to observe depressive thoughts. While mindful meditation, concentrating to present moment through Anuloma-Viloma breathing and proper focusing on her physique was supported in enhancement of memory and concentration. Improvement in sleeping, reduction of gastro-esophageal and urinary complains were noticed. The study discovered that Neelammahara has positive methodologies towards Othello Syndrome case through their inherited treatment modalities. Application of Anthahparimarjana and Bhahihparimarjana Chikithsa along with Daivavyapashraya and Satvavajaya Chikithsa was supported in encouraging quality of life of the case. Psychoeducation and psychosocial support given through Satvavajaya Chikithsa was beneficial in preventing relapses.
Keywords: Pathological Jealousy, Neelammahara, Indigenous Psychiatry, Infidelity.
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