*Dr. Amrita Mishra and Dr. Rajashree Shelare
Heavy menstrual bleeding is the medical term for menstrual periods
with abnormally heavy or prolonged bleeding. Although heavy
menstrual bleeding is a common concern, most women don't
experience blood loss severe enough to be defined as menorrhagia.[1]
The diseases Asrigdara explained in Ayurveda may be correlated with
condition heavy menstrual bleeding. According to Acharya Charak if
the menstrual cycle turns to be abnormal due to pradirana (excessive
secretion of) Raja., it is termed as Pradara.[4] According to acharya
Sushruta, excessive and prolonged bleeding during menstruation or
even in intermenstrual period,different from the features of normal
menstrual blood is called Asrigdara.[5] Raktapradar or abnormal uterine bleeding regular or
irregular with alteration in amount or duration of menstrual loss, commonly implies to
excessive irregular menstrual bleeding or essential menorrhagia. Ayurvedic classics defined
Raktapradar as excessive Pradirana (Secretion of Raja). Various treatment modalities like hormonal therapy antiprostaglandis and antifibrinolytic
agents are available in modern medicine. Many side effects have been observed, because of
these medications, including hormonal imbalance. Keeping in mind the above facts, It was
decided to select a herbal combination of Lodhra and Jaharmohra pishti for the management
of heavy menstrual bleeding. In the pathogenesis of Asrigdara Chala guna of Vata dosha,
Sara and dravya guna of pitta dosha[16] increase the amount of blood. hence these drugs
might affect the sara and dravya guna of pitta dosha with the help of Ruksha, laghu guna and Kashay ras[17,18] so this could be the reason in reducing the amount of bleeding. Ruksha, laghu guna, kapha pitta shamak and shoshan property helps in strotoshodhan[19] The Ayurvedic management mentioned above can be recommended as a safer, feasible and effective therapy for the management of heavy menstrual bleeding.
Keywords: Heavymenstrual, bleeding, Lodhra, Jaharmohra pisthi, Asrigdara.
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