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Ranjani M*, Rajan S, Murugesan A.G, Thamilmarai selvi


The agricultural wastes are composed essentially of cellulosic or lignocellulosic matter. These are considered to be the cheapest source for the production of different utilizable products, throughout the world. Macrofungi from the genus Pleurotus, widely known as oyster mushrooms are preferred by many people for their delicate taste, mild chewy texture and unique aroma. Pleurotus is one of the important popular edible mushrooms due to their medicinal properties. It possess a number of properties like antitumor, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, hypocholesterolaemic, antihypertensive, antiinflammatory, antiplatelet-aggregating , anti hyperglycaemic, antimicrobial and antiviral activities. Growing edible mushroom is the most efficient method of bioremediation in the process of converting the large quantity of lignocellulosic wastes into therapeutic value based products. This study showed that there is reduction in the lignin content of lignocellulosic waste after the cultivation of mushroom. To identify the lignin content, the paddy straw were analysed by FTIR.

Keywords: Pleurotus spp, LCW, Medicinal properties

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