Dr. Madhuri R. Pednekar*, Dr. Mansi Modi and Dr. Vivek P. Kaklij
Menorrhagia is a very common complaint among females in recent years. The World Health Organization reports that 18 million women aged 30-55 years perceive their menstrual bleeding to be exorbitant. In Ayurvedic classics, Menorrhagia is termed as Asrigdara, means excessive and/or prolonged blood loss per vaginum during menstruation or even during intermenstrual period. It is not a disease but it is symptom found in many gynecological disorders. One of the reason for this is Pelvic Inflammatory disease, which is major problem to the reproductive health of young women. Since, Asrigdar is mainly due to vitiation of Vata and Pitta dosha hence, the treatment should be based on the use of drugs which are having predominance of Kashaya
rasa and Pitta shamak properties. Kashaya rasa is known as bestastringent and because of this property Kashaya rasa plays important role in relieving bleeding discharge due its Stambhana action. There is loss of blood, so, the drugs and diet which increases Rakta dhatu (Blood) in body are also effective. Therefore, treatment mainly based on concept of Raktastambhaka as well as Raktavardhaka. This article describes a single case study with Ashokarishta, Shonitargal rasa and Saptamrit loha.
Keywords: Menorrhagia, Asrigdara, Pelvic Inflammatory disease, Raktastambhaka, Raktavardhaka.
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