Dirgha Raj Joshi* and Nisha Adhikari
Throughout a long time, green chemistry (GC) reviled how a basic scientific methodology and advanced practice can enhance the safe output to the human life and the environment without compromising the desired outcomes. For this, the advancement in scientific processes were made in the field of designing safer reagents and solvents, advancement in catalysis and possible development of the renewable feedstock. From the past lesson, currently the future chemists are being taught and trained to a wider concept of green chemistry to the practice and increased awareness towards human as well as environmental impact. A need for GC practice is highly demanding and the adherence to the 12 principles of GC concept is growing rapidly. A need for great change in policy, rules and regulations which will force industry, research institute, academia, and other is still highly demanding. Moreover the better is encouragements, awareness and make an individual person responsible to adapt to a GC concept in a real practical way. Green action always acts louder than the green words.
Keywords: Green Chemistry, catalyst, Organic synthesis, challenges, Non-toxic approach, environment benign.
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