Dr. Amir Pathan*, Dr. Vivekanand Kullolli and Dr. Sufiya Pathan
The Sadhyo vrana are frequently encountered problem in current days, most of the time this mainly cause due to trauma / road traffic accident. the wound healing is natural process of body to restore the integrity of the injured part. But there are several factors those affect the healing pattern such as Infection, contamination and other systemic factors also involves. But even with these problems management with ayurvedic remedy is one of the major areas of the research. Acharya Sushruta mentioned 60 Upakramas and many formulation for the management of Vrana, one of these preparation indravaruni fruit ointment is used for Shodhana and Ropana purpose of vrana. A case report of 19 year old male, who presented with complaints of an open traumatic wound on
dorsal aspect of left foot associated with pain, ceased bleeding due to clots has been presented here.
Keywords: Sadhyo vrana, Shodhana, Ropan, 60 Upakramas, Indravaruni fruit ointment.
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