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Jadhav U. B.*, Nikumbh M. B. and Daware M. K.


Ayurvedic Science the one who has balanced Doshas, Agni, properly formed Dhatus, elimination of Malas, well-functioning of bodily processes and whose mind, soul, senses are full of bliss is called a healthy person. Human body is made up of seven Dhatus.Shukradhatu is located in entire body. Shukra is white, pure, excellent Dhatu, which is considered as best among all seven Dhatus. All Dhatus have their definite locations in the body; sperm along with spermatic fluid and male sex hormones are also one part of Shukradhatu, parallel to which females possess Artava. Pramana of Shukradhatu is half Anjali. Shukra dhatu (semen) is responsible for all systemic body activities including metabolic functions and part of which comes out of the body at the time of sexual act and performs specific functions of reproduction. Vitiation of Shukradhatu shows Shukradhatudusti (pathology) in the form of Vriddhi (hyper state) Kshaya (waning). This vitiation may leads to infertility. So it is an important entity in context to reproduction.

Keywords: Shukra Dhatu, Semen, Shukradhatudusti, Reproduction.

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