Dr. Swarup P. Kulkarni*, Dr. Anuja A. Kulkarni, Dr. Vedshri A. Kalavade and Dr. Chandanshive Anil Babasaheb
Marma is key point in the body. Total numbers of marmas are 107. Aacharya Sushrut have explained model of marma in Sushrut Samhita Sharirsthan 6th adhyaya. Aacharya Sushrut has mentioned a variety of marma. The array is based on four types by Sushrutacharya. It is given as Marmaprakar (types of marma) as per Shadanga, Rachana, Parinam and Pariman. Rachanatmak (Structural) organization of marma is based on five basics as Mansa, Sira, Snayu, Asthi and Sandhi. According to the basic meaning of marma as per Sushrutacharya, the marma is the site where mansa, sira, snayu, asthi and sandhi are collectively present. Aani marma is present in the Urdhwashakha (Upper extremity) as well as in Adhoshakha (Lower extremity). In lower extremity, it is present three angula above the Janu marma (Knee joint) i.e. two inches above the centre of the knee joint. So, it is
requisite to see the basic structures as per the definition of marma given by Sushrutacharya with the help of cadaveric dissection method. So this can in point of fact identifies the modern connection of these five basic structures.
Keywords: Marma, Rachanatmak organization, Aani marma in lower extremity.
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