*Muthanna A. S. Al-Mahdawi, Maissoon abdul- ALrazaq. Waleed R. Mahmud and Mohammed M. Kdban
The present study aimed to investigate the relationship Herpes simplex viruse (HSV) with thyroid tumors. The study was conducted for the period from 2017/9/1 to 2018/6/10 and included 100 of the Infected of both sexes and different ages of the auditors to the Baquba Teaching Hospital and laboratories of external tissue diseases in the Diyala/Iraq Formed benign tumors of the thyroid gland 70% (70 samples), while samples formed malignant tumors (a thyroid carcinoma glandular papillary and follicular carcinoma thyroid communities) rate 30% (30 samples) of malignant tumor samples studied. The present study showed that 84% from benign tumors of the thyroid gland which covered the study were in female and rate 15.7% were in males, while
all malignant thyroid gland tumors which covered the study were in female and no male cases were reported. Also the results of the distribution of tumors on the age groups showed that benign tumors in the age group (39-30) formed rate 37.1% from benign tumors which covered the study, followed by age groups (20-29, 40-49, 50-59 and ˃60) where rates were 28%, 22.9%, 7.1%, and 4.3%, respectively), where the age group (30-39) was more preparing to be infected, while the results of the distribution of malignant tumors on age groups showed the age group (29-20) and the age group (39-30) included a large proportion of malignant tumors of the thyroid gland 26.7% for each. Demonstrated the detection of the Herpes simplex virus I type and II type by polymerization reaction (PCR) that 21.4% of the samples of the benign tumors tissue of thyroid gland was carrying the simple virus type I, and was 20% of the samples of malignant tumors tissue of the thyroid gland carrying the virus type I and there was without significance different between the two types of tumor in the spread of the simple type I virus in the tumors tissue.Either at detection on second type of virus was not reported found virus in any of the benign tumors of the thyroid gland. While 16.7% of the malignant tumors samples carried the Herpes simplex virus the second type, the difference between the two types of tumor in the spread of the Herpes simplex virus the second type was highly significant (p
Keywords: human herpes viruses (HSV), Thyroid tumours.
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