Dilip Prajapati*, B. J. patgiri, Harisha C. R. and V. J. Shukla
Background: Pharmacognosy provides a full understanding of natural products from various herbal sources. Specifically, this area encompasses the study of secondary metabolites, including alkaloids, glycosides, phenolic compounds, tannins, phytosterols, and terpenoids. These compounds have potential medicinal applications for the prevention and treatment of numerous conditions and diseases. Aim: To evaluate pharmacognostical and physico-chemical characteristic of Shirishavaleha Granules. Materials and Methods: Shirishavaleha Granules consists of ten herbal components viz. Shirisha, Pippali, Priyangu, Kushta, Ela, Nilini, Haridra, Daruharidra, Shunthi, and Nagakesara. The main ingredient Shirisha [Albizzialebbeck Benth] is a drug having multiple actions like Swasahara, Vishahara etc. Recent
studies conducted in past reveals the Anti-allergic, Mast Cell Stabilizing and Immuno-modulatory activities of the drug. These activities will be beneficial in pacifying the symptomatology of Tamaka Shwasa. Results & Conclusion: On pharmacognostical study, tannin content and combidal crystals of Shirisha bark, starch grains with fibers of Shunthi, black debris and stone cells of Pippali, fragement of scalaris forum vessel and parenchyma cells of Haridra, pitted vessel and prisamatic crystal of Daruharidra, pollan grains of Nagakeshara, epidermal cell and oil globules of Priyangu, pitted vessel of Nilini, fragmented of border pitted vessels of Kustha and silica deposition of Sugarcandy were verified. HPTLC showed 5 spots at 254nm and 6 spots at 366nm.
Keywords: Shirishavaleha Granules, Shirisha, Tannin, Sugar Candy.
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