Kamna Singh* and Yogita Chandrakar
Cancer is one of the most leading cause of death worldwide which affect all age group. According to WHO, It has become the most dangerous killer in the world. It is one of the most popular lifestyle disease. Now a day’s lifestyle disorder is one of the big problems for our society. Such diseases mainly result from life style related factors such as unhealthy diet, bad food habits, lack of physical activity etc. According to Ayurveda, lifestyle diseases are diseases caused by either defective food intake (apathy Ahara) or irregular habits (apathy Vihara) which cause rearrangement of blood and muscles and excessive use of salt, sour, pungent, alkaline fermented beverages hot food excessive use of meat and its product injury to the body by
weapon or hand and intake of eccentric fatty foods and sitting idle. The science of Ayurveda is supposed to add a step on to the curative aspects of cancers that have resemblance with clinical entities of arbuda and granthi mentioned in Sushrutha samhita. According to ayurveda, most diseases connected with the psychophysiologic and pathologic changes in the body are caused by imbalance in three different dosha (ie, vata, pitta, and kapha). Cancers of the prostate, breast, lung, and colon, although most common in the Western world, are least common in the Eastern world. Allopathic medicine commonly practiced currently is only 100 years old. The therapeutic approach involves prakritistani chikitsa (health maintenance), rasayana chikitsa (restoration to normal), naishthiki chikitsa (spiritual approach), and roganashani chikitsa. It is written with an intention to raise awareness and encourage implementation of ayurvedic therapies for combating cancer and suggesting an integrated approach in tumour management and treatment. The broad aim of this article is to provide a general outline on descriptions of cancers and their management from an ayurvedic practitioners.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Cancer, Management.
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