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Dr. Dijo Wilson*, Raina Sebastian, S. Hemalatha and T. Sivakumar


Febrile Convulsions (FC) refer to the convulsions that occur in children between the ages of 6 months and five years, with body temperature of 38ÂșC or higher not resulting from Central Nervous System (CNS) infection or any metabolic imbalance without any prior afebrile seizures. This condition occurs in 2-5% of the children who are neurologically healthy.[1] The precise cause of FC is not known, but several genetic and environmental factors have been implicated.[2] The maximum age of FC occurrence is 14-18 months, which overlaps with the maximum prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) which is 1 -2 years old.[3] Febrile seizure (FS) is a common cause of seizure in young children and occurring in 3-4% children under 5 years of age. Iron deficiency is reported as commonest micro-nutritional deficiency worldwide and has been associated with febrile seizures.[4] We report a case of 1 year old female child who presented with the complaints of 2-3 episodes of loose motion and one episode of seizure with genetic predisposition of iron deficiency anemia.

Keywords: UTI, Febrile Seizure, Iron deficiency anaemia.

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